
time after time (慣用句等) 再三再四 Idiom: time after time Again and again;repeatedly.

haul off 連行する, 一発かます, 引き下がる, 立ち去る Phrasal Verb: haul off [会話] 1. To draw back slightly, as in preparation for initiating an action: quote) “hauled off and smacked the hapless aide across the face” Bill Barol 2. To shift…

performance-,based wage system 和訳: 能率給

protection 見かじめ料 pro・tec・tion 名詞[俗語] a) Money extorted by racketeers threatening violence for nonpayment. b) Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution.

Indian giver 返礼目当てで物を与える人 名詞[失礼な言葉] One who gives something to another and then takes or demands the gift back.

across the board (慣用句等) 全面的に Idiom: across the board So as to affect or include all people,classes, or categories: eg. raised taxes across the board.

make for 役立つ, 襲う Phrasal Verb: make for 1. To have or produce (a particular effect or result): eg. small details that make for comfort. 2. To help promote;further:eg. makes for better communication.

civvies 平服 civ・vies 複数形名詞[俗語] Civilian clothes.



フリーレッスン終了後、あまりの空腹の為に入る。 ティラミスがうまかった〜。

ヤンレイ、地下三省堂にてDVD「ビッグフィッシュ」 本 「万物理論」 グレッグ・イーガン 「願い星、叶い星」アルフレッド・べスター 漫画「イリヤッド」6巻どれも店頭で見かけた時に小躍りしてた。「ビッグフィッシュ」は今晩の酒の肴かな。イーガンの新刊の…

hark back (出発点・過去・伝統に)戻る, (〜に)立ち戻る, (〜に)遡る, (〜を)呼び返す, (〜に)言及する, (〜を)思い起こす, (〜を)思い返す, (〜を)回顧する Idiom: hark back To return to

break down 打ち壊す, 打ち負かす, 鎮める, 体をこわす, 故障する, 泣き崩れる, 挫折する, 分解する Phrasal Verb: break down 1. To cause to collapse; destroy: eg. break down a partition;broke down our resolve.; 2. a. To become or cause to become…

bond 和訳:債権

hot air たわ言, でたらめ, でまかせ 名詞[俗語] Empty, exaggerated talk.

straight from the shoulder (慣用句等) 肩からまっすぐに, 率直に Idiom: straight from the shoulder 1. Delivered directly from the shoulder.Used of a punch. 2. Honestly; candidly.

nail down 釘付けにする, 確定する Phrasal Verb: nail down 1. To discover or establish conclusively: eg. nailed down the story by checking all the facts. 2. To win:eg. nailed down another victory in the golf tournament. 3. To specify or fix:…

clip joint ぼったくりの店 名詞[俗語] A restaurant,nightclub, or other business where customers are regularly overcharged.





U2のホームページに載ってましたわ。まだ決定ではないみたいだけど、日本もプランには入っているらしい。早く決まらないかなあ。 08.10.2004 U2 To Tour in '05... But Don't Buy Tickets Yet! (前略) "We are still very much in the planning stages of …

get cracking (慣用句等) 動き始める Idiom: get cracking To begin to work; get started.

hit on 打ちあたる, ふと〜が見つかる Phrasal Verb: hit on [俗語] To pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to: eg. can't go into a bar lately without being hit on.

draft (banking) 和訳:手形振出し

crack 開く, 切り出す, キレる, クラックコカイン -------- 他動詞[会話] a) To break open or into: eg. crack a safe. b) To open up for use or consumption: eg. crack a book;cracked a beer. c) To break through (an obstacle) in order to win accep…


帰宅するなり、アップルのホームページ見たら、すんごいニュース。どうしましょ、どうしましょ。 U2バージョンiPodが出るらしい!いや〜、欲しい〜。でもiPod-miniを買ったばかりだし。でも、やっぱ欲しい。iPod-mini誰かに売り払ってでも買うか。うわ〜、物…


http://www.apple.com/jp/ipod/u2/鹿児島にいる弟に興奮の電話をかけ、iPod miniを買い取ってくれと交渉し商談成立(思いっきり笑われたが、交渉に応じてくれた弟よ、感謝!)。その後、もう見境なくアップルストアに注文しちゃったよ。 ただ、残念なのは ア…

in detail (慣用句等) 詳細に, 詳しく Idiom: in detail With attention to particulars;thoroughly or meticulously: eg. explained her proposal in detail.

bail out 保釈させる Phrasal Verb: bail out 1. To parachute from an aircraft; eject. 2. To abandon a project or enterprise.

snafu 混乱, へまをやる sna・fu[俗語] 複数形 sna-fus A chaotic or confused situation. -------- In a state of confusion or chaos. -------- sna-fued, sna-fu・ing, sna-fus To make confused or chaotic.