
time after time (慣用句等) 再三再四 Idiom: time after time Again and again;repeatedly.

haul off 連行する, 一発かます, 引き下がる, 立ち去る Phrasal Verb: haul off [会話] 1. To draw back slightly, as in preparation for initiating an action: quote) “hauled off and smacked the hapless aide across the face” Bill Barol 2. To shift…

performance-,based wage system 和訳: 能率給

protection 見かじめ料 pro・tec・tion 名詞[俗語] a) Money extorted by racketeers threatening violence for nonpayment. b) Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution.

Indian giver 返礼目当てで物を与える人 名詞[失礼な言葉] One who gives something to another and then takes or demands the gift back.