
up one's alley 〜にうってつけ Idiom: up (one's) alley (会話)Compatible with one's interests or qualifications: eg. an assignment that is right up your alley.

fiddle away バイオリンを弾き続ける, 時を空費する, 浪費する Phrasal Verb: fiddle away To waste or squander: eg. fiddled away the morning with unnecessary tasks.


<小学校乱入>17歳少年が教職員3人殺傷 少年は口つぐむ 14日午後3時ごろ、大阪府寝屋川市初町、同市立中央小学校(坂根博一校長、児童601人)の管理・普通教室棟(4階建て)に同市内に住む職業不詳の少年(17)が侵入し、教職員3人を持ってい…

暗いニュースだけでは自分の中でのバランスが悪いので、むりやりこじつけで嬉しいニュース。 'Vertigo' took the Grammy for 'Best Rock Performance By a Duo or Group With Vocal', 'Best Rock Song' and 'Best Short Form Music Video'. http://www.u2.co…

hold (one's) end up 頑張り通す, 最後まで頑張る, 何とかやり抜く, 自分の役割を果たす, 自分の仕事を遂行する Idiom: hold (one's) end up To fulfill one's part of an agreement; do one's share.

jerk around ガタガタ動きまわる Phrasal Verb: jerk around To take unfair advantage of, deceive, or manipulate.

Mickey Mouse ちゃっちい, 単純, 甘ったるい 形容詞[俗語] Intellectually unchallenging; simple: eg. His Mickey Mouse assignments soon bored the students. -------- Melodramatic or sentimental. Used especially of popular music.


エンゼル東宝にて予備知識も何もなく見る。ちょっと長め?途中ちょっと辛くなってきたかなーと思いつつ、まあ最後まで鑑賞。パンフを買って帰るのを忘れた。しょうがないのでHPをリンクしとく。 http://www.opera-movie.jp/




on top of (慣用句等) 優位に立って, 成功して Idiom: on top of (会話) 1. In control of. 2. Fully informed about: eg. a senator who is always on top of the issues. 3. In addition to; besides: eg. On top of this, several other benefits are bei…

come off 外れる, 落ちる, はげる, うまくいく, 行われる, 公開が終わる, 取れる Phrasal Verb: come off 1. To happen; occur: eg. The trip came off on schedule. 2. To acquit oneself: eg. She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain. 3.…

maggot 最低な奴 mag・got 名詞[俗語] A despicable person.


YOMIURI ON-LINEの政治でこんな記事 http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/news/20050204i408.htm なんだかなあ。教育領域で心理の仕事をやりたい人は臨床心理士、医療現場で働きたい人は医療心理師っていう棲み分けになるんだろうね。シの字の違いもナニカが…



on the upgrade (慣用句等) 向上して Idiom: on the upgrade Improving or progressing.

touch up 修正する Phrasal Verb: touch up To improve by making minor corrections, changes, or additions.

weak sister 頼りにならない人, 弱虫 名詞[俗語]A weak or undependable member of a group. -------- A person regarded as timid or indecisive.

lie through one's teeth 心にもないうそをつく Idiom: lie through one's teeth To lie outrageously or brazenly.

meet with 〜と出会う, 〜を経験する, 〜を受ける Phrasal Verb: meet with 1. To experience or undergo. 2. To receive: eg. Our plan met with their approval.

screwup だめな奴, 失敗 screw・up 名詞[俗語] One that makes a mess of an undertaking; a bungler. -------- A blunder; a mess: eg. a managerial screwup.



やっと出ました「SFが読みたい 2005年版」。中味も確かめず速攻買い。



hang fire (慣用句等) 遅発する, ぐずつく Idiom: hang fire 1. To delay: quote) “They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution” Mark Muro 2. To be slow in firing, as a gun.

seal off 封鎖する, 立ち入り禁止になる Phrasal Verb: seal off To close tightly or surround with a barricade or cordon: eg. An unused wing of the hospital was sealed off.

antsy そわそわした ant・sy 形容詞[俗語] Restless or impatient;fidgety: eg. The long wait made the children antsy. -------- Nervous;apprehensive: quote) “Camps got shot up all the time, but if there wasn't a shoot-up, they'd get antsy” Harp…

make light of (慣用句等) 軽んじる, 軽視する Idiom: make light of To treat as unimportant: eg. He made light of his illness.

slack off 力をゆるめる, 仕事をやめかける Phrasal Verb: slack off To decrease in activity or intensity.

trip the light fantastic ダンスをする, 踊る Idiom: trip the light fantastic To dance.